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08138381047 :(hotline)

08138381047 :(hotline)

Hotline of The Counseling and Mental Health Center of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences was launched.

Welcome message
The speech of the head of the international branch of the university

Welcome message

Come to our university to study various fields of medical sciences, join the excellent research teams in the faculties. Use your education and knowledge to benefit patients, physicians, and other healthcare professionals. Indeed, studying at our university is not easy, but we believe that joining our faculty is a challenge that is accepted by confident and ambitious young people.

A healthy lifestyle is effective in preventing premature death

A healthy lifestyle is effective in preventing premature death

During the visit of the chancellors of 4 universities from Iraq to Hamedan province, a memorandum of understanding was signed with Hamedan University of Medical Sciences in various fields of research, education, technology and food and medicine

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    Message to the President